Gateway KiaFinance

Finance Options

See all your finance options instantly. 100% free, quick, easy and secure.
It won't affect your credit score and is absolutely obligation free.

Express Finance Application

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Gateway Kia's Finance Team offers a more personalised service to our customers. Our finance team specialises in all types of motor vehicle loans and warranties. We will have you driving away in your new or pre-owned vehicle within no time and without a fuss.

Call us on 02 4222 8888!

Call Gateway Kia's Finance Department any time to discuss any queries you may have in regards to your finance needs. Alternatively, click the enquiry button to the right which will speed the process of placing you into your dream car sooner.

Loan Amount

Loan Term

Loan Interest


*Figures shown are exclusive of GST. This calculator is provided only as a general self-help planning tool. Results depend on various factors and we do not guarantee the accuracy, or applicability to your circumstances. This does not constitute as a formal quote.

Finance Enquiry